King Thrushbeard

Ilona Dobszay-Meskó is a key figure in contemporary music. With his orchestra, the Ventoscala Sinfonietta, they set the goal of interpreting contemporary and classical music literature at the highest level. Fortunately, however, he is not only an excellent conductor and pianist, but also a composer who thinks of the youngest audience.

His third piece for young people deals with the classic of the Grimm brothers, the story of King Thrush. However, a truly wise tale – like any good tale – is for not only children but adults as well. After all, it tells how and how much a person is able to change when he steps out of the habit. And what a great treasure it is if someone, guided by love, helps in this. Man often needs such adventures in order to be able to distinguish the worthy from the worthless, the truth from the appearance.

The contributors to the performance are great artists who are among the best in their profession, aiming to show how to tell a story with the power of music and imagination. In their unusual performance, everything is born on the spot, often with the help of the audience. In this way, they not only tell a story, but also show what it means to make the ordinary magical with the power of art, to change the ordinary. They do all this with a lot of fun, situation comics, because of course the most important goal is entertainment.

Joint performance of BonBon Matiné Workshop and Ventoscala Creative Workshop.

The band:

Ilona Dobszay-Meskó – piano
Balázs Bujtor – violin
Zoltán Varga – percussion instruments

Playmaker: Lukácsházi Győző

Sight: Réka Maróti
Director: Ferenc Tarr




11:00 - 13:00


Marczibányi Téri Művelődési Központ
1022 Budapest, Marczibányi tér 5/a